Last updated
September 28, 2022

Privacy Policy

The developer of the DREAM MACHINE app does not collect user data, and does not track users in any way. No data is ever shared with third parties.

If you'd like to send the developer a mail or other form of communication, you choose what kinds of personal data you include. Communication is regarded as private and therefore no part of it is shared with third parties. Deliberate measures are in place to prevent communication hacks or leaks. Communication is stored until it loses its relevance to the development of the app or to the contacter, whichever comes last. You can request to have some or all of your personal data deleted sooner, via contact [at]dream-machine [dot] tech, in which case we'll do so as soon as possible but always within two months.



Last updated at
September 28, 2022

Privacy policy

The developer of the DREAM MACHINE application does not collect user data, nor does it track users in any way. No data is ever shared with third parties.

If you wish to send an e-mail or other form of communication to the developer, you choose the type of personal data you include. The communication is considered private and no part of it is shared with third parties. Deliberate measures are put in place to prevent hacking or leakage of communication. The communication is kept until it loses its relevance for the development of the application or for the contact, whichever comes last. You may request that all or part of your personal data be deleted earlier, via contact[at]dream-machine[dot] tech, in which case we will do so as soon as possible but always within two months.